TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group
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ABUG meets at "The 519", 519 Church Street, Toronto on the third
Sunday of each month. Our next get-together will take place on
January 15th, 1989
To contact ABUG call the M31 BBS (416) 439-0493 or Chris Larcombe
at the newsletter (416) 831-7507
To obtain correctly-paged hard-copy of this news-letter, copy the
file to PAR:
The first and most important item in 1989, of course, is the wish for a
Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our readers (the three of you know
who you are). Let us hope the year sees ABUG grow, but not at the cost
of its unique character. Now is a good time, too, for us to extend our
thanks to Dave Wickett who initiated and ran the club so well, and also
to Sonia who has taken up the mace of office (don't get out of line or
she will spray you with it); sincere thanks to you both.
- 1 -
------------------------------------------------------ ----
Pirate Attacks 2
(How can we protect our BBS's? By Frank Ch. Eigler)
Silent Service 7
(A review by Sean Mayor)
True Confessions 8
(From Adventure to Amiga. By Sonia Brock)
MINIX, Unix, And What's In Store 12
(An overview of MINIX by Andy Tanenbaum)
Word Perfect 5.0 15
(The Official Word)
GVP HD Controller 16
Who's Using Amy? 16
SUPRA Modems 17
(Some Pros and Cons)
Amiga Monitor With IBM? 18
(Will it Work?)
RAD: And The FFS 19
The LUCAS Board 20
(Ideas, Modifications, and Updates)
- 2 -
Why Me?
What Can You Do If Pirates Try To Board You?
By Frank Ch. Eigler
Frank is Sysop of The Hack BBS and also an ABUG member. His article is
written with the gracious assistance of an ex-pirate, Freddie Jackson,
and The BBS Terminator as well as Jonathan Forbes, Chris Kawchuk, and
Babar Khan.
We all know how nasty pirates are in general. What not all of us
may know is the fact that they are bad company on BBS's. Stereo-
typically they are rude, immature, and just plain dumb. They think
that all that makes a man great is his new wares. And his upload
record on Thrust.
This article will tell you the story of a special bunch of
pirates. A more nasty one than generally tolerated. Identities of
the people involved cannot yet be released, however. I will tell you
how it came to be that this `special' bunch came to attack and almost
successfully crash Three BBS's in town in one night. And, I will
tell you the measures which I had to implement to more or less cure
the problem of pirates with a heartburn.
There are lots of pirate boards. Far too many of them. It is
sickening to think that this kind of thing can go on in the quantity
that it does. Let's not mention quality - they don't have any.
Sometimes, some go down, new ones pop up, all chock full of the
latest copyrighted stuff. It doesn't seem to matter what is uploaded
as long as it is (c), and freely accessible. It is poetic justice
that most stuff downloaded from these boards is pure junk. Games
worth playing for twenty seconds at most.
One day, a particular user got quite sick of the concept of
letting these boards go on running in peace, and decided to shake
them up a bit. He had no straight idea about what to do, but knew
something had to be done. Then, he had an idea. He prepared a
sample message which he would upload to all pirate BBS's he knew. In
it, he identified himself as a representative of the law, and warned
the sysops of immediate raids and arrests. He was "The BBS
Terminator". Now, there was indeed an earlier incident where a real
RCMP officer used this name, but that occurred several months before.
This user decided to scare the pirates. And, it worked.
The BBSs which received a copy of the standard message
immediately blacklisted the user "BBS Terminator", so he would not
get past the login prompts. Most sysops decided to `frame' the
message sent to them - many installed it as a system bulletin and
sneered at the guy. There is some confusion on the current copyright
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laws - it seems that pirate BBS's cannot be legally hurt unless they
charge for membership - if there is some exchange of money. But
still, it would seem that they are barking at a shadow, while running
from the cat.
The BBS Terminator was satisfied by this. He retired.
Meanwhile, Freddie Jackson (an alias), who played a great part in
the following, found out who The BBS Terminator really was. With his
later regrettable big mouth, he mentioned on one board that he knew
him - it was in response to all the "Who the hell is this guy?" type
messages on the board from other kiddies. It was something he's come
to regret. At the smell of this, the one sysop of the board started
a series of threats to Freddie in public messages. He was told to
either tell the identity of the BBS Terminator or be `banished'.
After this kind of threatening went on for a few more weeks Freddie
got really tired of this - left an insulting message to the sysop,
and logged off for ever. The problem of Freddie was that the BBS
Terminator told him that he stopped calling using that name a few
weeks before, and it was someone else now; but the pirates still
wanted the original's name. Freddie would not budge. Instead, he
was blacklisted.
All sounds like internal politics on the immature level, right?
Well, since I have a close tie with Freddie Jackson, I decided to
mention the case to the sysop who first blacklisted him, on a PD BBS
he apparently called quite a few times, Xenomiga, where I am a
co-sysop. It happened in the private section - I left him a message
like "Well, I've heard what happened. What is your side of it?". In
his reply, he spewed out all the puss he has accumulated over the
last few weeks; he recalled how Freddie has failed to keep his word,
how he lost his trust, etc. etc. etc. This guy was so obsessed
with the fact that he did not get his way using blackmail that he
started insulting me. At that time, the sysop of that board, and
another co-sysop got into the conversation - the situation developed
into a wide-ranging slanging match.
As this was going on, all hell broke loose. It was known on the
pirate BBS's that The Hack (my BBS) is somehow affiliated with
Freddie Jackson. In fact some people mistook my identity for his.
Certain parties decided to take it all out on the BBS. On November
26, a bunch of people called the BBS around 7 PM saying "there are a
bunch of 20-year olds looking to beat you up". Of course, I hung up
on them, fast. The thing is, would a twenty-year-old identify
himself on the BBS as a "twenty-year-old" who wants to beat me up for
some reason? I think not. 14 year old pirates have a habit of
exaggerating ("Wow. Incredible Ware!"). In a brief flash of ESP, I
decided to back up the BBS disk immediately. The Hack is run from
one disk [drive], so the backup took no time at all. Since it WAS an
open system, new users could log on, apply for validation if they
wanted, and write all the messages they wanted. Mistake.
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At around 1 AM next morning (same night), they called. I was not
around. (At least, not awake!) Then they did the damage.
There is more evidence to support that there is a back door
password to BBS-PC. The sysop password, which was "21498AC$%E",
obviously can't be guessed, and I haven't used it before or since
anywhere else. But they did log on as "Sysop", giving them all my
powers. I am lucky that they did not do much more than they did -
they had the power. What they did do was take the password of
several users, write them down for later `reference' and look around
the BBS. When they were through, they entered a private sysop menu
and edited the "Sysop" account. This account is supposed to be the
most powerful account. They changed it to have absolutely no access
whatsoever, in fact, if someone did log on as sysop, from local or
remote, they would find themselves blacklisted. A nice BBS does not
blacklist its sysop.
But, they had to keep me out of the BBS still. You see, on the
screen of BBS-PC when idle, waiting for a call, there is a menu of
several options, giving one the option of shutting the BBS down, or
entering the BBS in one of its default menus. One can log on "local"
which would be reflected in the caller log like anybody else, with
full login/password verification. Then there are three other places
where a sysop can enter the BBS - one can go directly to the sysop
menu, or one of two other important ones, all bypassing the login
procedures and passwords. BBS-PC assumes you are "sysop" if you log
in here. Since they have deleted the actual sysop menu files, there
was no easy way for the sysop to get back to the BBS and try to fix
her up. At least, so they thought. Fortunately I had been particu-
larly careful.
Like smart sysops, I kept a backup password with full sysop
powers as well. To see what has been done, noticing just that I just
couldn't log on as "Sysop" any way I tried, I quickly copied the
sysop menu files from the backup disk made a few hours earlier onto
the attacked disk, and logged in using the backup account, and looked
It seems that they also tried the old trick of cycling the
message base - as you probably know, when you enter a new message on
BBS-PC systems, old ones are automatically cycled off. The problem
with that is that if anyone writes any message, perfectly good
messages can be cycled off, fast. The main weapon of these pirate
attackers is simply to write hundreds of empty or similar messages,
and this is what happened. Probably they used a script file in Diga!
or Online!. They also used another member's account, one who since
has been removed for security. They wrote a few hundred (about 500)
messages in about an hour's time, automatically. This got rid of 500
perfectly good messages on the BBS. This is about all they did do.
What they didn't do is lucky. They could have deleted the co-
sysops, the backup sysop account, etc. Fortunately, they did no
major harm. Once I had looked through the damage, I unbackup'd the
backup disk and just deleted the night's record of attack. I began
thinking about measures to keep these guys out for good.
- 5 -
I called up Xenomiga. It was busy. I called up KickStart. It
was busy.
Later, Jonathan Forbes, the sysop of Xenomiga, called me. He
told me his BBS has been crashed over the night too. So had Chris
Kawchuk's - Kickstart was attacked overnight as well. In fact, the
perpetrators used one of Xenomiga's special features to hurt it - it
is the first BBS-PC board that I know of to implement a full DOS
shell - a way for remote sysops to access a CLI directly, execute
commands, etc. There was a bug in this, and this bug saved the BBS.
Meanwhile inside the shell, once they got on as Sysop there, they
went around Jonathan's 2.5 megs RAM and two drives and started
deleting things. Luckily, they didn't know the way to exit and get
back to the BBS, and just hang up. This usually hangs the DOS shell,
and the machine has to be rebooted from scratch to recover. Lucky,
because otherwise if they got back to the BBS they would probably
have started deleting users or whatever; instead the BBS was down for
the night, until Jonathan found out what happened next morning.
Chris told me of the kind of damage done by the pirates on
KickStart a few days into the article. Apparently they tried to
crash the system, unsuccessfully. They did manage to fill up the BBS
disk, and halt operations for a while; and leave some vulgarities. A
user named "John" was apparently responsible this time. Chris was
not happy; but apparently he had decided to take KickStart down a few
days before the incident, and it only reinforced his opinion.
A late addition - it seems that Babar Khan's board, M31, was also
harassed by a pirate the same night. He repeatedly dropped carrier
on the guy(s), and after a while they gave up. It seems that these
guys tried to hurt lots of BBS's around. I wonder how many other
BBS's were called that we don't know of yet. I'd appreciate it if
any other sysops harassed by pirates contacted me on a BBS somewhere,
to figure out other preventive and offensive measures.
That is the history of what happened. Here is how I intend to
protect my BBS from further damage:
1) I blacklisted the "sysop" account. So, even if they do log on as
sysop, they cannot do anything.
2) I asked all users to change their passwords as soon as possible.
All co-sysops have new passwords already.
3) I have disallowed new users. This was the painful one. Now, the
BBS technically considers new users not to be allowed to log on,
and the message the BBS prints to them tells that they will
unfortunately have to contact me on another BBS to apply for
validation. I will personally voice-validate all people who do
apply. I will validate them, but this way, if new users aren't
allowed to log on, they cannot write messages, or if they know it,
use the BBS-PC back door (which to this day remains unfound).
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Right now, I am fairly satisfied that the BBS is safe again. I
make backups, though, every 10 hours or so, so not much would be lost
if they cracked the backup sysop password or the co-sysop passwords.
If that happened, though, I would probably lose confidence in the
system altogether.
Here we are today. The Hack has gone on security mode, Jonathan
is thinking of the same on Xenomiga. Kickstart was back up for a
while, but is now indefinitely down; might be put back up if Chris
sees enough interest (i.e. Call him anyway and talk some sense into
him!). M31 is shook up.
I hope this is reasonably accurate. Hopefully, the pirates
involved will give up trying (I've been getting lots of calls from
pirates on the BBS, all blocked by the security systems. As well, a
user was just today deleted for boasting that he is a pirate.) The
security measures I outlined above should work for all BBS-PC
systems. Other BBS programs are obviously different, and they may or
may not have to worry about undocumented back door passwords to the
Let us all hope that this kind of thing, which has apparently
happened to Jason Gould's Star Trek BBS a few months ago, will not
<<<<< Was the MAC II around in Samuel Johnson's time? >>>>>
"Worth seeing? yes; but not worth going to see."
A review by Sean Mayor
Sean is one mainstay of the ABUG membership. He is an avid player of
games and always ready to share insights on how to gain the best score
in his currently-favourite software adventure. It wouldn't do to cross
Sean, as we have noticed much blood-thirstiness in his demonstrations.
Drawing on the toughness acquired on many electronic battlefields Sean
pitilessly bullies Fred, his father, into carting along and setting up
the equipment for the meetings - our thanks to them both!
SILENT SERVICE is based on U.S. submarine action in the South
Pacific during World War II. In the game, you are aboard one of the
U.S. submarines. When you start, you can select from three options:
target practice, convoy actions, or war patrols. Next, you select
difficulty levels. If you picked convoy action or war patrols, now
you can choose a patrol to go on.
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The main screen shows the inside of the conning tower. There are
different positions where you click the left mouse button to check
damage, read gauges, look at maps, use periscope, or go up on the
bridge. The bottom of this screen has icons to let you fire
torpedoes, fire the deck gun, dive, surface, or turn, and change
I think this simulation is excellent. WARNING (this is very
But, there are bad parts too, such as phantom ships (last known
position) and torpedoes that sometimes miss (Microprose says you must
aim amidships).
All in all, SILENT SERVICE is pretty good. On a scale from 1-10
it's a 10.
Computers I have Known
by Sonia Brock
(or In The Beginning Was The Sword)
(c) Sonia Fricker Brock 1988
A quick glance through this piece reveals from whence came the strong
right arm with which Sonia wields her mace of office. In this candid
article Sonia reveals all. Today ABUG News, tomorrow The Enquirer!
My interest in computers started, in a sense, with the game
called Dungeons & Dragons. Myth has it that the game originated when
its authors obtained access time on a mainframe computer running the
Anyone familiar with the early years of computing will remember
the prototype computer text adventure called, logically enough,
'Adventure'. In this game you tunneled your way through branching
corridors and made many 'if this then that' decisions. I'm not a
programmer but I do know enough about flow charts and programming to
recognize a profound similarity between the game and the
spaghetti-like goto, if-then loop-abouts of a program written in
Basic. The original 'Adventure' game was written by a programmer.
The game shows it.
- 8 -
For myself, the transition from Dungeons & Dragons, which was a
child of the earlier game grown large, to learning how to operate a
home computer was made, if not painless, then a good deal easier by
the fact that I had already been exposed to the ways a programmer
thinks, through the game.
I was the Dungeon Master of a live Dungeons and Dragons game for
two years and ran a CB radio campaign with five regular players for
another a year and a half.
Let's try a pretend machine game. Ulric the Ubiquitous, my
role-playing game character, has just entered the Dungeon. The game
master establishes the parameters, tells me where I am, what my
attributes are, and what I am faced with.
I encounter my first 'branch', as the gamemaster, be he machine
or individual, gives me the choice of two courses of action:
1) Accept the quest underground
2) Go on a wilderness adventure above ground.
Underground adventures or 'trips' are preferred by gamemasters
because they limit the action to a predefined series of branching
tunnels and attendant rooms. Above ground I could, in theory, head
in any direction, even to an area not yet mapped, causing gamemaster
to quickly invent large monsters with heinous attributes to dissuade
me from my 'freely' chosen path. Sensibly, I opt for the underground
Things get a little more complicated as I am offered the choice
of one of 3 rooms to explore. I enter a room with a medium weight
monster in it, and find another place where the machine excels. My
attributes and the monster's have been quantified according to
precise mathematical formulae. The bout between Ulric, with his
sword, shield and leather jerkin, and the beast with fang, fur and
claw, is a battle of the numbers. Without the element of chance from
random numbers and different probability curves, created by machine
or by 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20-sided, multi-faceted dice, there would be no
contest because the beast would win paws down.
With those random numbers and curves, I stand a fighting a
chance, or a bit better because the odds are slightly in my favour.
An earlier die, cast when my character was created, gave me superior
dexterity which translates into a better armour class and the ability
to hit two blows in one round. My weapon, too, does substantially
more damage than the monster's natural equipment.
If there are other adventurers, my chances of survival will
improve, but remember it's still all numbers and numbers are the
business of the computer. What the computer does best is count and
compare and that mythical fight between Sir Ulric and the beast is a
feast of numbers. Ulric's score is carefully calculated and compared
to the beast's and may the highest score win.
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"I smote him with my puissant blade" is how the dialogue may read
but this translates numerically to:
REM Let defence points equal 'A'
REM Let attack points equal 'B'
REM Let damage taken = 'C'
10 A = 20-B
20 IF B < 0 THEN B = 0
25 IF B > 20 THEN B = 20
30 IF B >OR = 12 AND B < OR = 19 THEN C = B - 11
35 IF B = 20 THE C = (B-11) X 2
40 IF A > 0 THEN Print 'Your attack has succeeded for " C " points of
physical damage. Ouch!!'
Man might be defined as a gambling animal, but I understand that
in certain experiments with Skinner boxes show that your basic white
rat will hit the old lever on a pretty continuous basis, if he is
rewarded with random bits of food sliding down the chute there, in
response to his hopeful activity. Given the chance to gain on a
gamble, the old adrenalin starts pumping and the bet is on, even in
the lower orders of the mammal tree.
When I first got started in computers I got an Apple II+ clone
and was introduced to the wonderfulness of AppleDos. I copied out,
after I got used to my machine, what seemed like really keeno
programs from Nibble magazine now some of these were written in
Basic. Some were written in Assembler. I tried copying in an
assembly program and noticed that the programs that were written in
Assembler ran faster and took up less space, when assembled, than the
Basic programs (When your disks hold about 126k space is important).
Then, I found listings in Binary and they were all numbers and not
terribly interesting, although soothing to type, and these were the
shortest and fastest of all. Already I had gained exposure to 3
levels of programming just by following my nose through a magazine.
I bought a CP/M card for my Apple, so that I could run that
golden oldie of word processing, WordStar. I became proficient in
WordStar because it was such a blessed improvement over almost
anything under AppleDos. I learned all of WordStar's control
character sequences and could run its files through a dictionary and
do all the things that you do with a real word processor. One of the
things I learned about was WordStar's non-document mode which combs
all the funny control sequences out of program listings so that they
don't foul up the program when it is compiled or assembled and run.
My main interest was in telecommunications and I ran a little
telecommunications group (SIG) for the LOGIC Apple User's Group with
about 15 or 17 dedicated meeting attendees. Of these, several never
did learn to use their modems, they just liked meetings. The CP/M
terminal program, Modem7, became kind of a crusade with me because it
was the only really good public domain terminal program available and
I learned to edit the overlays (each modem needed a different
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overlay) which were written in, guess what, assembly language, and
to overlay them on the main program. Modems were various and between
myself, my friends and associates I ended up doing quite a few of
these overlays. Hacking these out, and overlaying them I became
somewhat more familiar with CP/M and learned respect for these CP/M
folk, who believed in and acted upon the notion that users should
have access to the source code. They were always tinkering with
their BIOS or trying to find a niftier way to paint the old wagon red
and I enjoyed reading about their exploits on CRS Systems which was,
at that time, primarily for CP/M because most of the public domain
programs were then CP/M.
I became a maverick in the Apple world, someone used their
co-processor for Modem7 overlays and WordStar and dBaseII under CP/M.
I decided, fairly late, that things were slowing down a little bit
for the Apple II+ and the time had come to move over to a 'real'
machine. That's when I got an MS-DOS XT clone with 8 Mhz clock speed
and two floppy drives. I worked this way for about a year and then
added a 30 Meg harddrive, a second serial port and a V20 chip, for
even zippier processing, an EGA Wondercard, which let me emulate EGA
graphics very well indeed on my good quality, amber XT screen and a
2400 baud modem.
Using the XT was just like putting on a pair of old slippers.
Most of the commands were nearly the same as in CP/M but more
powerful. (There are reasons for this. Microsoft borrowed liberally
from the 'free' CP/M operating system when they created MS-DOS). I
worked away on my MS DOS machine and this is what it became, a 'work'
machine. Now, work can get dull, especially if you do a lot of
writing or a lot of accounting, which is what I was doing on the XT.
When fortune favoured me with a windfall I decided I wanted a
machine that I could enjoy, that was NOT just a work machine. I
checked out the Atari and I didn't like the screen. I started asking
a lot of questions, mostly on CRS Systems, over my modem. Later, I
discovered M31 BBS and the nice folks associated with ABUG. I was
sliding towards the Amiga because I could tell it would give you the
most bang for the bucks. It had this terrific screen. I didn't know
about the slow disk operating system and slow disk access and a few
other things that I have since discovered.
I noticed that there was a pretty good amount of public domain
software out there for the Amiga. Being a little bored with MS DOS,
I wanted the challenge of a different system and the Amiga was about
as different as I was likely to get and as powerful as I could get,
within my budget range. I've never regretted getting the Amiga500.
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People tell me I should have got an Amiga2000 with this, that and the
other thing, but the 500 gets me there just the same and I really
enjoy it.
The public domain software doesn't flow as fast as it does (or
did) in the MS DOS area but, hey, those MS DOS programs repeat them-
selves a lot. Somebody is always re-inventing the wheel all the
time. The Amiga is not really an easy machine to program for but the
extra dimensions of graphics and sound make for a more interesting
product and I spend more time with the these Amiga public domain
programs than I have with some of the MS DOS throwaways.
Something I really appreciate about the Amiga is its flexibility
as an 'art' machine. By art I mean pictures, and music, and writing.
I use Word Perfect on both machines and my preferred editing medium
is the Amiga because it's easier to see and I get the mouse and
windows, as well as direct keyboard entry. (Being able to enter
commands from the keyboard, by the way, caused me to favour the Amiga
over the Mac). Deluxe Music Construction Set and Photon Paint (which
was the first program I bought) have both given me a good deal of
pleasure and helped me to grow conceptually as well.
I store my writing, etc. on both machines. Each is a logical
backup of the other. I keep them pretty constantly connected with a
null modem cable at 4800 or 9600 baud using xmodem (CRC) or zmodem.
My present Amiga 500 system has 2 drives and a meg of ram. I
like it that way. After writing 2 novels on a 64k Apple II in CP/M
with 2-126k drives and a Ram drive, the 500 is spacious enough for me
to feel comfortable in.
I'm glad I made the right choice in the Amiga. I expect you are too.
A Few MINIX Of Your Time
(Extracted from a posting by Andy Tanenbaum)
Now that the Amiga 2500 is here (well, almost) these words about MINIX
might help us to catch a glimpse of one path down which we could march.
MINIX isn't for the Amiga (yet) but the piece does give an idea of what
Unix holds in store.
Subject: MINIX (UNIX clone) now available for 68000 (Atari-ST)
MINIX is a new operating system that is system-call compatible
with V7 UNIX. Unlike real UNIX, it is available with all the source
code, both the kernel and all the utilities. The purpose of this
message is to announce its availability on the 68000 CPU, speci-
fically the Atari-ST. However, since it should not be too hard to
- 12 -
port it to other 68000-based computers (e.g., Amiga, Macintosh), this
message is being crossposted to a number of newsgroups. This will be
the only announcement outside comp.os.minix.
When MINIX is run on the Atari ST (or MegaST) it replaces the
native operating system (TOS) and turns the computer into a normal
UNIX machine. MINIX has been running on the IBM PC, XT, AT, and many
clones, including 386s for almost two years. The IBM version is in
widespread use all over the world. The original (IBM) version was
written by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. The Atari port was done by Johan
Stevenson and Jost Muller. MINIX does not contain even a single line
of AT&T code. Thus both the operating system and the utilities are
all brand new code.
- System call compatible with V7 UNIX (except for a few very
minor calls)
- Kernighan and Ritchie compatible C compiler is included
- Shell that is functionally identical to the Bourne shell is
- Full multi-programming (fork+exec; background jobs in shell:
cc file.c & )
- Full screen editor inspired by emacs (modeless, autoinsert,
etc.) included
- Ability to read and write TOS disks
- Over 90 popular utilities provided (cat, grep, ls, make,
mount, sort, etc.)
- Over 100 library procedures provided (atoi, fork, malloc,
stdio, etc.)
- Works with floppy-only systems or with hard disk systems
- Full operating system source code (in C) is included
- Source code for all the utilities (except C compiler) is
ar as badblocks basename cal cat cc cem cg chmem chmod chown clr cmp
comm compress cp cpdir cpp cv date dd df diff diskcheck du echo expr
factor false find fix fsck getlf grep gres head kill ld ln login lpr
ls make megartc mined mkdir mkfs mknod more mount mv od opt passwd pr
printenv pwd readall readfs rev rm rmdir roff sh shar size sleep sort
split stty su sum sync tail tar tee test time tos touch tr treecmp
true umount uniq update uudecode uuencode wc
abort abs access alarm atoi atol bcopy brk call chdir chmod chown
chroot cleanup close creat crypt ctime ctype doprintf dup dup2 exec
exit fclose fflush fgets fopen fork fprintf fputs fread freopen fseek
fstat ftell fwrite getc getegid getenv geteuid getgid getgrent
getpass getpid getpwent gets getuid gtty index ioctl isatty itoa kill
- 13 -
link lseek malloc mknod mktemp mount open pause perror pipe popen
putc puts qsort rand read regexp regsub rindex scanf setbuf setgid
setuid signal sleep sprintf stat stime strcat strcmp strcpy strlen
strncat strncmp strncpy stty sync system termcap time times umask
umount ungetc unlink utime wait write
There is a USENET newsgroup, comp.os.minix, concerned with MINIX.
This group is gatewayed to the ARPANET, BITNET, etc. If you cannot
read USENET newsgroups directly, you can get on the mailing list by
sending a request to info-minix-request@udel.edu. The group is very
active, and well worth reading if you are interested in MINIX. It is
used for reporting bugs, fixing bugs, posting new software, asking
and answering questions, and so on. At some point it may be necess-
ary to split the group (IBM vs. Atari; source code vs discussion;
...) but for the time being, there are no plans to split it. Time
will tell. There are archives of the messages that have been posted
to comp.os.minix. For an information sheet telling about MINIX and
the archives, send email to ast@cs.vu.nl or watch the newsgroup.
Although this message is being crossposted to several groups, this
will be the only announcement. Please post all subsequent discussion
to comp.os.minix ONLY. The group is unmoderated. Please do not
discuss the PDP-11 memory management unit or other irrelevant topics.
There is a book describing MINIX is great detail, both how to use
it and how it works inside. The book contains a highly annotated
copy of the O/S code as an appendix (250 pages). This version is
slightly out-of-date, but it is still quite usable. The biblio-
graphic data on the book are as follows:
Title: Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
Author: Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Date: 1987
ISBN: 0-13-637406-9 (hardback version, U.S and Canada only)
0-13-637331-3 (paperback version, outside of U.S. and
Price: about $40
The book is currently in the process of being translated into
German. There is also a paperback MINIX Reference Manual that is a
subset of the book.
It contains only the MINIX specific information, not the general
background stuff on operating systems that the book contains. The
reference manual is about $35. There is also a package containing
the disks and the reference manual combined going for about $110. I
think there may soon be a package containing the reference manual and
the Atari disks.
- 14 -
The Atari disks come with a little booklet telling how to boot
the system and how it differs from MINIX-PC (IBM version). Effec-
tively it is a diff listing between MINIX-ST and MINIX-PC. It makes
no attempt to repeat the 500 or so pages on MINIX from the book or
MINIX is something of an intermediate form between AT&T UNIX and
GNU. Unlike GNU, MINIX is not public domain. It is copyrighted by
Prentice-Hall and is being sold by them. The price for the Atari
disks in the U.S. is $80 + shipping (somewhat higher abroad) and
includes all the source code. On the other hand, unlike AT&T UNIX,
the source code is readily available, and may be copied for bona fide
educational and research use. For example, a professor teaching a
course on operating systems could legally buy the disks and then make
copies for all his students. A very limited amount of private
copying (say, no more than 3 copies per original) for personal
friends is ok. If this gets out of hand, and Prentice-Hall decides
that not enough have been sold, they will just drop the Atari and
have future versions be for the IBM only. It is the intention that
future versions be compatible with POSIX.
In the U.S. you can order the software and books from most
bookstores or directly from Prentice-Hall in NJ. The ISBN number for
the Atari software is 0-13-584392-8. Prentice-Hall's phone number is
(201) 767-5937.
Word Perfect was represented by J.B. Marketing
the Canadian distributor of the product
Question: Do you know when WP5.0 will be released for the MAC or
the Amiga?
WordPerfect: Wordperfect for the Mac is the same or in some aspects
better that WP 5.0 already (Mac 1.0). The Amiga is
another question.. We are working on the next release
of the Amiga but have no details yet only that it is
in the makings.
- 15 -
Msg#:32417 *AMIGANET* general
11/10/88 00:52:00
I called GVP about the autoboot rom Friday and finally they
called me back today. Here's the stats:
1. The Rom is available now.
2. Unlike Commodore's 2090A HD Controller, the GVP -will- autoboot
with SEAGATE drives including the ST277N. 3. The Cost is $22.00.
UPS Blue is $25.00. Red $35. 4. The rom started shipping to
dealers Saturday. 5. You can order your rom from the dealer your
bought the GVP HD controller from, or direct from GVP.
I talked to Shawn Marzola at GVP, (215) 889-9411. *deluge him
with calls* [big grin].
In other news, has anybody else installed their Autoboot 1.3
Kickstart rom? Couldn't Commodore have put the thing in between some
slots instead of under the drive bay? I don't imagine that the one
for the 500 is much more fun.
--- ConfMail V4.00
Msg#:29056 *AMIGANET* general
10/27/88 03:07:00
Hmmm ... Amiga a toy ....let's see, who uses Amigas ... NASA,
Star Wars Defense Organization Headquarters, Lawrence Livermore Labs
(Atomic Energy Commission Labs), UCLA School of Medicine Brain
Imaging Research Department, the Pentagon, National Vision Research
Laboratory, Apple Computer- they demoed the not-yet MacII to their
executives with an Amiga 2000- ... Harvard University Capenter Center
for Film and Animation, 3 of 300 top winners in SIGGRAPH/1988,500
cable TV companies, NBC, ABC (for set design, composition, etc.) ...
Frank Zappa, BB.King (has 3), Professional Video houses ... ETC...
--- QuickBBS v2.03
Origin: M E T R O P O L I S (617) 721-7360 [MABOS] (1:101/149)
- 16 -
Msg#:29032 *AMIGANET* general
10/28/88 21:23:00
Subj: SUPRA 2400
Hi Everyone,
About a year ago I purchased a supra 2400 and began using it to
run my BBS. It performed flawlessly for about 6 months, and then for
no apparent reason, fried its on/off hook relay...permanently in the
off hook position. I thought this to be a fluke and received a
replacement from my dealer. About a month went by, and the exact same
problem occurred with the brand new SUPRA. Upon return of this second
unit, the Supra distributor claimed there must be something wrong
with my system here and that they would not replace a third unit.
Well, the third one is still going strong, more that a month into
it's service life. Possibly whatever was wrong is now right or
something, but my question to fellow Supra owners is, have any of you
experienced a similar problem? I don't for a minute believe there is
anything wrong at my end. I've run this system for over four years
now, mainly on a Hayes 1200 without problem.
Anyway, other than that, I feel the Supra is a superb modem for
the money and will have many BBSERS going 2400 baud.
John Boyle / SYSOP......."Direct Connect" BBS, Belleville, Canada.
* Origin: "DIRECT CONNECT" Belleville,ONT.CAN.(613-969-0111)
(Opus 1:148/306)
Msg#:29472 *AMIGANET* general
10/30/88 16:37:00
From: A. FRYER
Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 29469 (RE: SUPRA 2400)
Hi John, Here are a few theories about your problems with your SUPRA.
1) Maybe it got fried in an electrical storm. You should ALWAYS!!
disconnect your modem from the phone line during an electrical
2) Perhaps the SUPRA wasn't designed to be used 24hrs, 7 days a week
(read "heavy duty use") in running a BBS.
3) It might be that your power source is noisy. You should get a
surge suppressor or something.
If all else fails... Don't Force it, get a bigger hammer!
* Origin: "DIRECT CONNECT" Belleville,ONT.CAN.(613-969-0111)
(Opus 1:148/306)
- 17 -
Msg#:29469 *AMIGANET* general
10/31/88 18:20:00
Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 29069 (RE: SUPRA 2400)
Not had any problems with my Supra.. (knock on wood.. A lot of
my things have been breaking recently) Had it since.. June, I think.
QuickBBS v2.03 * Origin: Sentrax ---
"Home of the 'Save Omar Fund' - Pledge today"
Msg#:30146 *AMIGANET* general
11/02/88 23:39:00
Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 29037 (RE: AMIGA 1080 MONITOR!.. :))
The 1080 monitor is compatible with IBM compats that use a CGA
type display adaptor card. All you need is a RGBI 9pin to 9pin
cable. You should be able to get one of these through Commodore. The
1080 works very well on a IBM compat, I use mine on my Amiga and a
Tandy 1000TX with no problems at all.
* Origin: "Amiga Revolution", Powered by HST! 817-690-5077
(Opus 1:382/17)
Msg#:29009 *AMIGANET* general
10/30/88 16:33:00
Subj: RE: AMIGA 1080 MONITOR!.. :)
-> Does anyone know if the Amiga 1080 Monitor is IBM
-> Compatible?? If so, what graphic card can you use with it??
-> Monochrome/CGA/EGA?? I know VGA is definitely out. I am in
Well, it will work fine in CGA (digital RGBI) and VGA (analog
RGB), but it won't work for EGA (EGA is a little weird). Remember to
set both switches correctly when you hook it up or switch between
your Amiga and the IBM.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. I don't know if it will work with the
little known Professional Graphics Adaptor that IBM had for a while,
I've never seen it tried. Probably wouldn't, though.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: Blue Moon BBS (614)262-4428, Columbus OH (1:226/240)
- 18 -
Msg#:29036 *AMIGANET* general
10/29/88 12:01:00
I had the same question & wrote to Redmond Cable about it. They
said a DB9M/F with part number RS 300 in their stock would handle it
for a total cost of $35. I didn't ask about which video card would
work, unfortunately.
But the Redmond people have always been quickly responsive to all
of my queries. 17371 - A1 NE 67th Ct., Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 882-2009.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: Doctors Inn *HST* (Pittsburgh, PA 412-881-7757) (1:129/53)
From: chas@gtss.UUCP (Charles Cleveland)
Subject: Re: Partitioning RAD:
Date: 4 Dec 88 21:57:28 GMT
Organization: Georgia Tech School of Physics
In <3702@druwy.ATT.COM> mab@druwy.ATT.COM (Alan Bland) writes:
> In <282@gtss.UUCP> chas@gtss.UUCP (Charles Cleveland) writes:
> When I set up RAD: under FFS (but not under SFS), I seemed to have
> to format it before using it even though it was a single
> filesystem, contrary to your remark above.
My RAD: is setup under FFS as a single filesystem, and it does not
need to be formatted. After mounting, RAD: is automagically format-
ted on cold boot (my MountList specifies Mount = 1, or whatever the
parameter is, that tells it to load the handler immediately when
mounted rather than waiting until the first access). Make sure your
MountList includes both the FFS handler and the dos type (I forget
the exact names of the parameters).
Mount = 1. That's the ticket. Now not only does my FFS RAD: not
need to be formatted, but it has regained the quasi-recoverability
(it goes in C00000 memory in my machine), like vd0:'s, that I had
hoped for.
Examination of my startup-sequence reminds me that I had RAD:
recovering before while a slow-file system, but conversion to FFS
without Mount = 1 if RAD: lives in C00000 apparently prevents any
recoverability at all.
I was surprised, after adding 'Mount = 1' to my mountlist and
removing the format from my startup-sequence, when I rebooted with
that disk and none of the expected copies to RAD: occurred. When I
- 19 -
looked, RAD:'s contents were still intact from yesterday, when it had
been mounted without 'Mount = 1' in my mountlist. In fact, in the
meantime, I had even rebooted twice from other disks that don't even
know about RAD:, but use vd0: instead.
Summary: Hardware mod. to let the LUCAS board work with a 68000
Keywords: LUCAS, 68000, 68020
Date: 6 Dec 88 00:34:44 GMT
Followup-To: comp.sys.amiga.tech
Organization: University of Toronto, CSRI
This article describes a modification to the LUCAS 68020 accel-
erator board that aws the 68000 processor to physically remain on the
Amiga bus along with the 68020. By keeping the 68000 in the system,
the Amiga can still be used with software (usually copyprotected
games) that will not run on a 68020. Only one processor can be used
at a time and that processor is selected with a toggle switch before
the system is powered up. The unused processor is tristated from the
bus. That's the main idea behind this circuit: tristate all outputs
from the unused processor.
For most of the output signals from both the 68020/-
LUCAS_GLUE_LOGIC and the 68000, tristating can be achieved by
asserting Bus Request (*BR). *BR tristates the address and data
buses, as well as most of the control outputs. On the 68000, the
only signals that are NOT tristated are Bus Grant *BG (pin 11), and E
clock (pin 20). On the 68020/LUCAS board, the outputs which are NOT
tristated include R/*W (U11, pin 9), *VMA (U5, pin 17), E clock (U4,
pin 19), and *BG (U1, pin 11). These few signals must be tristated
"manually" from their respective processor to the Amiga 64 pin socket
using tristate buffers to prevent bus contention. The other pins
from both processors can be safely connected together because they
are either inputs, or they are tristated when *BR is asserted.
The Bus Request (*BR) input to each processor is driven by a
separate tristate buffer whose input is tied to ground. The toggle
switch is used to enable the buffer to the *BR of the processor that
is NOT being used. I arbitrarily decided for the sake of simplicity
(keeping the extra chip count down to one), and to avoid having to
cut traces on the LUCAS board, that only the 68020 will be able to
receive a real *BR from the Amiga bus. This is a reasonable decision
if the 68000 will only be used to run copy-protected games and
hardware that does not require DMA. This decision allows the
existing *BR and *BG from the 68020 to remain connected to the 64
pin socket leading to the Amiga. The *BR (pin 13) and *BG (pin 11)
pins on the 68000 must be physically separated from the 64 pin
socket leading to the Amiga by bending them outward.
- 20 -
The modification requires no cut traces, no soldering to chips,
and could ideally be done without any soldering to the LUCAS board
(except for power), however I did solder to 4 signals on the LUCAS
board for convenience. The actual finished modification doesn't look
too pretty because of all the aerial wiring between the small
perfboard that holds the tristate buffer and the LUCAS board, but who
looks inside the case anyway. :-) The schematic for the circuit is
given below.
IC pins U4-19, U5-17, U10-8, U10-9, and U11-9 are carefully bent
outward from their sockets on the LUCAS board, both to isolate them
from their sockets and to provide connection points. Single pin
sockets taken from a machine socket terminal strip are attached to
these pins and wired to a small perfboard holding the 74ACT244.
Using single pin machine sockets eliminates having to solder directly
to the bent pins of the chips. The machine sockets I actually used
were taken from an Augat 510-AG90F-32 32 pin wirewrap socket terminal
strip which I broke into individual sockets.
The same technique is used to attach the bent 68000 pins 13 and
20 to the perfboard. Pin 11 on the 68000 (*BG) is bent and left
There are four signals from the 74ACT244 that must connect
directly to the 64 pin socket leading to the Amiga. These I soldered
to four points on the LUCAS board. The signals are *BR20 (pin 13), E
(pin 20), *VMA (pin 19) and R/*W (pin 9) on the socket leading to the
Amiga. R/*W is actually soldered to the side of the 30 ohm resistor
on the LUCAS board not leading to pin 9 of the 64 pin socket.
In the circuit I make use of an inverter from the 74F04 on the
LUCAS board (U10 pins 8 and 9) to control which tristate buffers are
enabled. For the tristate buffer chip I used a 74ACT244 since it is
as fast as an 'F244, requires less power, and I had one on hand. I
would think a 74F244 would work just as well. Extra decoupling
capacitors should be used both on the perfboard holding the buffer
chip and on the LUCAS board since there is a 68000 as well as a
74ACT244 drawing power and making noise on the power bus.
Power for the tristate buffer can be obtained by soldering to the
leads of a capacitor on the LUCAS board. The square solderpad is
I used two 4.7K pullup resistors on the perfboard, although there
are spare pullup resistors on one of the SIPs on the LUCAS board that
could also be used.
The toggle switch can be mounted on the rear of the Amiga's case
above the keyboard connector. When the switch is open, the 68020 is
selected. When the switch is closed, the 68000 is selected. The
switch should be toggled only when the power is off, since you get a
nice guru otherwise.
- 21 -
In making the 64 pin connection from LUCAS to the Amiga's 68000
socket I used two 32 pin gold wirewrap machine socket terminal
strips. These strips act as both a socket for the 68000 and as
extender pins to the 64 pin socket in the Amiga. It was a tight fit
since the holes on LUCAS are less than 0.025". But gentle rocking
back and forth while pressing down allowed the posts to go through
the board without damage. To avoid having those "tree trunks" damage
the Amiga's 64 pin socket, I soldered a soldertail machine socket to
the bottom of the wirewrap posts. Since this wasn't quite high
enough to make LUCAS sit above the Kickstart daughter board in the
Amiga, I plugged another 64 pin soldertail socket onto the bottom as
an extension. The following sketch shows an end view of the LUCAS
board with the above assembly.
If the LUCAS board has already been built, it should still be
possible to somehow solder a 64 pin soldertail socket to the top of
the LUCAS Board, where the 64 pins extend down to the Amiga's 68000
socket. Remember to remove any IC's from the LUCAS board before doing
any soldering.
xxxxx <--- 68000 microprocessor
/ \
V V <--- 32 pin gold wirewrap machine socket terminal strips
---|-----|---- <--- LUCAS PC board
| |
| |
| |
V V <--- 64 pin soldertail machine socket
| |
V V <--- 64 pin soldertail machine socket - used as extension
| |
___V_____V____ <--- 64 pin socket on the Amiga motherboard
68000 (U1) - removed from the Amiga
74ACT244 (U12) - tristate buffer
20 pin dip socket - to hold buffer chip
small perfboard
4.7K resistors (2)
SPST toggle switch
single pin machine sockets (7) - can be taken from a
510-AG90F-32 terminal strip or a
socket terminal carrier decoupling
Socket assembly:
64 pin gold soldertail machine socket (2)
32 pin gold wirewrap machine socket terminal strip (2)
(e.g. Augat 510-AG90F-32)
- 22 -
SCHEMATIC: Evan Sidoriak November 20, 1988.
U12 74ACT244
17 |\ 3 30ohms
R/*W20 -------| >-----/\/\/----- R/*W socket pin 9 (solder pin 3 to
U11 pin 9 |/ existing resistor)
13 |\ 7
E20 -------| >--------------- E socket pin 20 (solder to board)
U4 pin 19 |/
15 |\ 5
*VMA20 -------| >--------------- *VMA socket pin 19 (solder to board)
U5 pin 17 |/
11 |\ 9
|----------| >------o-------- *BR00 68000 pin 13
| |/ |
----- | 19 >
--- | > 4.7K Vcc
- | > |
Vcc | |_________|
| |_____
Switch < |
1=68020 < 4.7K |
0=68000 < |
/ | 9 |\ 8 |
|-o/ o--o----| >O----
| | |/
| | U10 1/4 74F04
_____ |
--- |------|
- | 1
6 |\ 14
E00 -------| >--------------- E socket pin 20 (solder to board)
68000 pin 20 |/
8 |\ 12
|-----o----| >--------------- *BR20 socket pin 13 (solder to board)
| | |/
----- | |
--- | 2 |\ 18
- o----| >---- NC
| |/
| |
| 4 |\ 16
|----| >---- NC
- 23 -
Pins U4-19, U5-17, U10-8, U10-9, U11-9 are bent outward from their
sockets on the LUCAS board and attached to the 74ACT244 using single
pin machine sockets.
"Socket" in the schematic refers to the 64 pin socket that leads to
the Amiga. Only pins 11, 13 and 20 are bent on the 68000 (U1). All
other 68000 pins plug into the 64 pin socket. Pin 11 (*BG00) on the
68000 is left unconnected. Pins 13 and 20 of the 68000 are attached
to the 74ACT244 using single pin machine sockets.
*BR20 and *BG20 are already connected to the 64 pin socket (pins 13
and 11). Pins 2 and 4 on the 74ACT244 are unused inputs and should be
grounded. Pins 16 and 18 are unused outputs and are left uncon-
nected. Vcc=pin 20, Gnd=pin 10. The 30 ohm resistor is already on
the LUCAS board, so you really only need to solder a line from the
74ACT244 pin 3 to the side of the 30ohm resistor not leading to pin 9
of the 64 pin socket. If only the 68020 will be used with devices
that assert *BR (a reasonable assumption if the 68000 is only used
for copy protected games) then *BG on the 68000 can be ignored (left
unconnected) and the *BR and *BG signals to and from LUCAS can be
left connected to the 64 pin socket.
If you do want to use DMA devices with the 68020, R/*W20 will
have to be tristated when *BG20 is asserted. This will mean a nand
gate and another buffer chip. I don't have any DMA devices, so I
haven't worried about it yet. There are obviously other changes you
can make to simplify the circuit or add functionality. (e.g. Use a
SPDT switch and omit the inverter, or buffer *BR and *BG from both
68020 and 68000 to allow both to do DMA.)
The above circuit can be drastically trivialized by using a 5- or
6-pole double-throw switch. But that would be far too easy! :-) :-)
You will still need some kind of circuit to tristate R/*W20 if you
want to do DMA.
I designed and built this modification to the LUCAS board to
provide compatibility with specific hardware and software I had that
depended on having a 68000 in the Amiga. I am making the results of
my hack available in the event there are others with similar needs.
I make NO guarantees as to whether this modification will work with
any specific LUCAS board/Amiga configuration and I disclaim any
responsibility for what anyone does to their Amiga or their LUCAS
board using the above information. This modification does require
some hardware experience and should not be attempted by anyone not
reasonably experienced with a soldering iron. Almost anyone who can
put together LUCAS in the first place should be able to do this
modification. Now that I've scared you off, I can assure you that I
have made the circuit work in my own Amiga. Several other people in
the Toronto area either have made or are going to make this modifi-
cation to their LUCAS boards, so compatibility problems, if any,
- 24 -
should show up shortly. As long as you don't solder to any chips or
cut any traces, you can always rip out the modifications to restore
LUCAS back to its original form.:-) Anyone is free to use the above
information as he or she sees fit.
Any comments, bugs and suggestions will reach me at the addresses
below. Happy hardware hacking ...November 28, 1988.
Evan Sidoriak evan@power.ele.toronto.edu
UofT Dept of Elec Eng
10 King's College Rd OR
Toronto, Ontario {uunet,pyramid}!utai!utcsri!utpower!evan
M5S 1A4 Phone: (416) 978-6392
Article 2054 (27 more) in comp.sys.amiga.tech:
From: gmg@hcx.uucp (Greg M. Garner)
Subject: Re: 32-bit LUCAS memory board
Summary: Autoconfig disable
Organization: College of Engineering, University of Arkansas
If you do decide to make the lucas memory autoconfig, how about
putting a register bit in there somewhere that will disable the
autoconfig sequence the next time the computer is rebooted. This
would seem to me to solve all the problems associated with the
choices between autoconfig and addmem approaches (besides the obvious
one of having to put auotconfig logic on the board). I wish I had a
way to turn off my Starboard memory with a simple register write like
that. On another note, can you tell me why you want to use 1meg Dram
chips as opposed to 256K chips? I haven't looked at the design VS.
cost tradeoffs so maybe I am missing something obvious. The Lucas
board is exciting, keep em coming!
Greg Garner
501-442-4847 USENET: ...!uunet!harris.cis.ksu.edu!hcx!gmg
From: eachus@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Robert Eachus)
(SAME) Subject: Re: 32-bit LUCAS memory board
Summary: Why not both types of chip?
Keywords: 32-bit memory
Organization: The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, Mass.
I may be missing something here, but given the nature of this
project/board I would design it to take both some 256Kx4 bit chips
and a set of 1Mx1 bit chips, say 4 MEG of by ones and 2 MEG of by
fours. It shouldn't add much to the cost of the the board (since you
don't have to do any switching, just detect which sockets are
filled), and will allow most users to buy 1 MEG of memory now, and
fill the board when the 1 MEG chips come down to $5 a pop.
Robert I. Eachus
- 25 -